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Emergency Funds

3 steps to make financial wellness a reality
3 steps to make financial wellness a reality
About 40% of stress (in the Gulf) is caused by financial situations. This suggests many of us have trouble balancing unexpected expenses and planning for the future, two key elements of financial wellness.
When is it Okay to Dip into an Emergency Fund
When is it Okay to Dip into an Emergency Fund
Your emergency fund is intended to be your first line of defense when times get tough. But sometimes, it can be difficult to decide when to dip into these funds.
Is it Risky to Drop Life Insurance Coverage during Tough Financial Times?
Is it Risky to Drop Life Insurance Coverage during Tough Financial Times?
Most people buy life insurance with the same objective — to help keep your family financially secure if you’re no longer around to provide for them.
4 Simple Steps to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
4 Simple Steps to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
There's a good chance you or someone you know is facing the reality of living paycheck to paycheck each month.
How to Keep Your Family´s Finances Recession Proof?
How to Keep Your Family's Finances Recession Proof?
In an ever-changing world, economic uncertainty can be stressful for you and your family. When there’s so much outside of your control, here are the things you and your family can focus on to keep your financial future secure.